Minority Access Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has several programs and services that may be helpful to you. They will help you get into Biomedical fields through scholarships or internships or coaching; they offer internships to a variety of both public and private sector orgnaizations; recognize minority role models; and hold an annual conference. Take a look:


Management Leadership for Tomorrow offers several programs and services to minority students who are working their way towards becoming top leaders in business. One of their programs specifically helps students get into top notch MBA programs. Check out their website:


A very smart young Latina I know attended this summer fellowship and let me tell you, it looks great on a resume! If you are interested in public service or the International arena, PLEASE consider applying for this fellowship. It is WELL worth it!


I’ve never been able to attend this conference, but many close friends have- so please try to attend! The conference brings together a large group of Latinas to motivate, educate, and provide a prime opportunity to build lasting and beneficial relationships. This two day conference will have more than 50 presenters discussing professional development, personal growth, wealth-building and solutions to social issues. For registration information:


The National Society of Hispanic MBAs has their annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia in early October. Not only is this a great opportunity to network, but there is a huge job fair to help you get employed with some of the top businesses in the county. Check it out:


The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education is a wonderful organization that recognizes Hispanics who are currently in graduate school or who have just completed their doctorate. Do not miss this opportunity to participate in their Annual Conference- they also have Fellowships and Outstanding Dissertation competitions! Excellent networking event. Check it out:


If you have an organization that is struggling to get on it’s feet and your mission is to address social problems, then you want to apply for this fellowship. This fellowship can award up to $90,000 over a two year period to help turn your ideas into reality. For more information:


Activism is a calling that requires long hours and not the greatest financial benefits. This fellowship, the Alston / Bannerman Fellowship Program, is looking for individuals who are working towards progressive social change for all minorities. The program awards fellowships to people who have devoted their lives to helping their communities organize for racial, social, economic and environmental justice. Fellows receive a $25,000 award to take sabbaticals of three months or more- and they can use the time to do whatever they want!  Go to this website for more information:


Ohio State University (OSU) has a Hispanic Oversight Committee (HOC) that wants to increase Hispanic graduate student enrollment. Apparently, many OSU Fellowships go unused every year!  If you would like to take advantage of this excellent opportunity for a graduate education, please check out the information at this website:


Check out this site! It has a search engine where you can plug in your personal information and find scholarships that you may qualify for. It is a site specifically for Hispanics looking to go to college- both undergraduate and graduate! Or, you could just download the entire scholarship directory!
