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Source: Scholarship Saturday – December 19, 2015

Source: Dissertation Fellowship: Open to undocumented students

Source: Latinos in Technology Scholarship: Open to undocumented students with DACA

Scholarships with January 2016 deadlines | 82 college scholarships and contests with deadlines in January 2016.

Source: Scholarships with January 2016 deadlines

De la pagina de Facebook de Ronald Reagan High School en Doral, Florida: “Gracias a todos los padres que asistieron a la 1ra. Asamblea General del PTSA. Primera vez que tuvimos un quórum tan grande. Les felicitamos a ustedes por su compromiso con la educación de sus hijos.
Hoy además recibimos información útil sobre cómo es el Sistema de Educación Superior en EEUU y cómo aplicar, por eso damos las gracias a la Dra. Belinda Leon por tan importante y práctica charla. Se nos quedó corto el tiempo, pero estaremos planificando nuevas charlas para profundizar sobre algunos temas. Escuchamos sus comentarios y sugerencias sobre aquello en lo que quisieran buscáramos especialistas. Aprovechamos para compartirles los datos de la Dra. Leon de Premier Educational Consulting para que la contacten y discutan sus casos particulares: o pueden visitar su pá”

College- The Basics

December 3, 2015

From Ronald Reagan High School’s FB post: “We are thankful for all the parents who attended our 1st General Assembly. First time we had such a great quorum, so We have to congratulate you for getting involved.
Today We also received useful information about University System and the basics for the application process, so We also want to thank our special guest Belinda Leon. The time wasn´t enough but we will planning new lectures, workshops to dig deeper. We are open to suggestions.
For those people who want to have the Belinda Leon´s contact information, here we go: – “

Scholarships with January 2016 deadlines | 82 college scholarships and contests with deadlines in January 2016.

Source: Scholarships with January 2016 deadlines